
My Photography page. Here I present some links to my photo galleries. Since December of 2016 I am using now Capture One to develop my raw Canon camera images and I am very happy with it.

North of Spain 2018 – Santander
Santiago de Compostela – La Coruña 2018

A road trip in the north of Spain from San Sebastian, over Bilbao, Santander, Oviedo, Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña, Gijon, Aviles…so much to see… Here are some of the first photos.

Sevilla – Feria de Abril 2018

It was some years ago that we visited the Feria de Abril in Seville. And it was fun again, tasty food, rebujto and lots of opportunities to shoot with a long lens. Here are some impressions from a hot&sunny day.

Ireland – 2017

After visiting Scotland last year for the first time, this year is was going to be Ireland. There were so many things to see and impressions to share, I decided to start with the most complicated one – Paddy Campbell’s Belfast Famous Black Cab Tours – many thanks to our driver “Danny”. My view on the Black Cab Taxi Tours though the city of Belfast.

Scotland – 2016 – Sligo and around

More fantastic Scotland – the small town of Sligo and the area around.

Scotland 2016 – Edinburgh

2016 marked a big change in my life. Therefore this was a very important holiday trip with a lot of very pleasant impressions. We started in Edinburgh, then headed North/East to Aberdeen. If you didn’t do so, please visit Scotland.

Rio Tinto y Huelva

A daytrip to the Rio Tinto and Huelva in April 2017. Its very RED!


A hot late summer day to sweat and “shoot” in my favorite city Seville. Enjoy!

Airport Days in Hamburg

A sunny summer day was perfect to “shoot” some planes in bright daylight. Enjoy!


After a two day shoot in Teruel I had some hours in the morning before the flight back to Hamburg. Here they are.

Hamburg – Altengamme

I was attending a commercial shoot in Altengamme in June. Here are some impressions from an old house. See the pictures.

Hamburg – Harbour

Some more Hamburg harbour pictures but this time from a boat trip in April 2014. Follow the link…

Hafengeburtstag 2013

The weather wasn’t the best this day – so only a few good pictures this year.
But anyway, hope you like them. Here they are

Schweden 2013

Our last summer holidays in Sweden 2013. (Part One)