OCIO v2 – 1.0.0 available

This evening I saw on ACESCentral.com that the download for OpenColorIO-Config-ACES 1.0.0 is available now. I updated the article Blender 3.4 alpha & OCIO v2 accordingly and I will start soon to do some tests in Blender and Nuke.

The ACES 1.2 release candidate is the last version that will be available for the OCIOv1 framework. Newer OCIO configs that support the OCIOv2 framework are at a pre-release state at the moment. I will try to stop using the OCIOv1 configs and switch over the OCIOv2 configs.

When you want to use the new OCIO configs in Nuke 13.2, please be aware that Nuke only can read the name…_ocio_v2.0.ocio configs. The name…_ocio_v2.1.ocio configs are not supported in this Nuke version, but Blender 3.5Alpha for example can read these configs.

Another new behaviour in Nuke is, that you cannot set an output transform in the write node unless you alter the OCIO config by yourself. Output or view transforms are missing in the write node. The workaround is to use a OCIODisplay node at the end of the nuke script and write out the files with a write node that is set to “raw data”.

That is a very bad implementation at the moment in Nuke, because as soon as you view the OCIODisplay node, the viewer itself needs to be set to “raw” as well, otherwise the view transform will be applied twice.

The issue is discussed here. I assume this will be addressed in the upcoming Nuke 14 release.